Fuel log and mileage tracking app for Android

Track your fill-ups, fuel consumption, fuel costs and save money. Fuelio is FREE and available in the Android Market.

Use official Android Backup for Android 6.0

Hayden Hong 9 years ago updated by Agatha Alice 8 years ago 1

The backup to Google Drive and Dropbox is nice, but I think that a backup using the Auto Sync API introduced with Android 6.0 would be the easiest way to go about backups from now on.


Mileage in reminder goes wrong in Android

Eric Liu 9 years ago updated by Adrian 9 years ago 1

I set a mileage reminder for 172500 mi. When the reminder kicks off, the notifications shows 277612 instead. After clicking the notification, the value in the reminder edit screen continue to show the wrong value 277612. However, once I exit the edit screen and click the reminder icon on top right, the value is loaded correctly as 172500 mi again.


crash on startup

Artur Kulik 12 years ago updated by Adrian 12 years ago 5

I have a crash everytime starting Fuelio on CM 10.1 (JB based rom). Is there any chance it will work? I got used to Fuelio using it on stock GB but now it's not possible...

Adrian 12 years ago


I saw your comment in Play Store. But on 99% it is not Fuelio's fault. At the moment I've got signal with this crash only from you.

Probably there's something wrong with your ROM. Do you have official CM10.1? Is your device listed on CM page?

If not, I know there are many forks of CM which works not so good. Other tip, the crash could be also connected with GApps package. After installing CM ROM you need to install GApps package (google apps + libraries). 

You should have the latest GApps for your ROM. You'll find information on CM page. Otherwise you could have problems also with other apps.

JB is the most popular version of Android using Fuelio.

I coudn't find reports from you, or I don't know which one is it. If you see crash error, report it and enter there your name. I'll have information this is for (if I'll find it). If there is something wrong with your GApps there could be information for example that the problem is connected with Google Maps API. Because Maps API is in CM's GApps package.

CM could be very buggy if this is not official version.


Few Bugs Costs module

Ruturaj Shetye 12 years ago updated 12 years ago 3

Hi Adrian, 

i recently purchased the Fuelio Pro and started exploring the costs module, here are the few bugs i have found.

1. Date format: the global date format from settings is not honored on Costs module. it still shows date is US format like 2013-03-20

2. Default Dates: While editing the data, like dates, it always defaults it to current date, it should pick up previously entered date.

3. Monthly Cost: while entering the costs which are monthly (like washing) i was expecting it to recurring added to the cost, is it the way its expected? or its just a marker for the type.

4.Category: the newly category is not immediately reflected in the list, i have to go back to cost page and then add it again.

i hope you should be able to resolve them, looking forward to your continued support


reminders list

Marcin Śmiech 9 years ago updated by Adrian 5 years ago 9

Could you help me how to edit/view existed reminders (only reminder without cost data)?

Only option is to add a new reminder without the cost and then after saving I can show list of all reminders.

Thanky you for the help.


Very nice app! I love the non-janky, modern UI. 8-)

Doug Melton 9 years ago 0

Dziennik tankowań, GBP, obcięcie "groszy" gdy równa kwota

Marcin Białek 10 years ago 0

Chodzi mi o to co dokładnie widać na ostatnim tankowaniu. Mały drobiazg, a irytuje jak na niego patrzę ;)

Image 23

Order of entries is not by date

Gábor Kovács-Palkó 12 years ago updated by Adrian 12 years ago 5

I've entered my fill-ups from last year one after each other based on my excel sheet.

I've always added the dates, but fuelio does not sort them by date. It seems to sort them by the order I've entered them, which was not exactly the date order. (After all, I'm human)

It especially visible in the odometer graph, when it seems I've been reversing at some times :)


Problems with Imported Data when units are changed

Zachary Miller 12 years ago updated by Adrian 12 years ago 1

When I import my CSV file from the backup folder and change the units from k/m, liters, etc., to miles, gallons, mpg, the odometer entry changes to a different number. I cannot avoid this problem because the app defaults all imported CSV files in metric measurements.