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Last times I used the app syncing and notification worked, so at least for me it seems working.

Thanks again!

I wouldn't hide, but disable it via setting. It's faster for me (and perhaps for others too, who are using full price only). 

I use enter between the lines, I now input km -> Enter -> l -> Enter -> Enter(x) -> price per l --> fuel station and save.

It will save a second enter (with the x) and also prevent from accidentially entering full price in price per l (since I always only enter full price, others may only enter price per l, I don't think that people switch often between them)

Yes things you only notice as first time user :-)

Sorry not much time too :-), so the delay.

Ok that would it explain and google drive has "WLAN only" set on my mobile, so the delay of one hour seems valid to me.

The notification was missing though, I don't know if it is even possible to get an notification as the upload will happen, but as said since I ticked the "notification" I was expecting one.

I'll watch this again the next time ...

If you need any logs (if there are any) or I may look into some log please let me know

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