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Yes. It's not possible yet but I hope in a near future you'll see new features that will help you with this.

You can change name - go to station's details. And if it's station that should be removed - at the end you'll find "report station" button. Please, send this report to us. You can sent me info about location so I can speed this process up.

Yes. From Cost Log - you should be able to filter templates. That's right. Sorry for delay (I'm on some trip)

We are not using Google's Maps stations. Database is seperate, thanks to this we can connect a lot more stuff. Maybe the station is not in our list? Then you can add it (see lat tweet or FB post). Now you can drop pin.

What about Petrol Station from the menu? Can you see stations  there?

Open this file in Libre Office. Drive is changing CSV format.  Just mail me your file if you want.

I'd like to add possibility to customize this (change the order of fields)

You can :)

Go to Cost Log -> Settings (top right corner, three dots button) -> Categories (you can add new one, remove, change color etc...)

Could you confirm, we are talking about 7.0.7?

I've fixed one issue related with this but maybe it's still the issue.

Did you change date format?

Android 4.1 don't have full support for RTL languages. I'm using Android 7. But I found a bug. Try next version.