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OK. So this could be bug. Probably there is something wrong with my Dropbox functions - with detecting your SDCARD directory.

Sorry for my late response. Family stuff ;)

1. Where exactly? The only one place where you can see ISO format (yyyy-mm-dd) is "date" button. 

2. Need to check it. Probably bug. I changed some forms lately there and maybe I broke something :)

3. Monthly Cost - this is recurring cost. When you add monthly cost for examply today 04-04-2013 - you don't need to add it manually next month. It will be added automatically on 04-05-2013 with the same price and title (and mark as monthly cost). I'm using it for example for my parking fee (fixed price every month). 

4. Yes, I know about it, I tried to fix it but something wasn't working.

That's very strange. I need to check my code but I'm getting /sdcard directory in google's way.


So Android should detecy your sdcard directory. This could be your ROM problem but I need to check it. Maybe there is a bug and in Dropbox functions I've used fixed directory solution. 

What about standard CSV export - can you find the file /sdcard/ od /sdcard-ext/ - there should be Fuelio directory.

I've checked your values. 

Total mileage: Yes. This is probably because of some roundings in my app. And one mile is missing.

Your fuel consumption is correct. You can check other apps but 73.25mpg (uk) is correct.

I need to check date formats. Date in CSV should be always in ISO format (yyyy-mm-dd).

CSV export is only for backups (at the moment) but I'm thinking about creating special reports.

W ustawieniach mozna nadpisac walute. Musi to dzialac. Testowalem na wielu telefonach.

Aplikacja domyslnie pobiera jezyk na podstawie ustawienia telefonu. W przypadku wybrania jezyka polskiego powinien byc polski.

Moze cos jest nie tak z ROMem? Moze masz jakies aplikacje nadpisujace wartosci "locale"?

Sprawdzilem jeszcze raz. To dziala. Wersja PRO to tylko klucz. Nie powoduje wiekszych zmian w glownej aplikacji.

Na dniach bedzie update do nowej wersji. Pobierz z Google Play Store i moze problem bedzie rozwiazany. Moze taki bug byl we wczesniejszej wersji (ale nikt mi czegos takiego nie zglaszal)

To bug. Ogolnie deweloperzy nie przywiozuja juz takiej wagi do urzadzen z VGA. Coraz ciezej tworzyc pod taka rozdzielczosc aplikacje, ale postaram sie poprawic.

W tej chwili wielu deweloperow jako minimalna rozdzielczosc wspiera 480x320 (troszeczke wyzej). Ale postaram sie to poprawic.,

I know. There are two schools for that. In my opinion my way of presenting that is also ok. There are many other apps which are using the same schema (FuelLog etc..). 

There are people which are familiar with "my style" of showing the log and your style. But when I was doing my research the one I'm using seems to be more popular.

But I'll think about adding it as an option.

I don't know how to handle this. This is Google's request and it shows you notification from Google servers (only once). 

Try to change your Google account - reauth.

Dropbox API is much better in my opinion.

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