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That is really great if you can put in a setting to allow using the fuel price of the "current" fill up!

This question is actually addressed by classical accounting procedures. There are different ways to price inventory and other assets/liabilities and the business selects the best way for it's purposes when it's setting up the books. There are 3 or 4 different ways to account for costs/prices and legitimate reasons for all of them.



I agree with the OriginalPoster. So how about making it a setting?


1) Calculate using the old price of gas used from the tank  (price at previous fill-up);


2) Calculate using new price to replace gas used (current price for this fill-up).

#2 Provides the cost to make the vehicle ready for the next trip. To me, _that_ is the cost of the driving trip I just did - not whatever I may have paid in the past so the vehicle was ready when I wanted it this time. I must restore the vehicle to readiness again because I have emptied the tank on this trip I just made; that cost to restore the vehicle is determined by the current price of the gas I put in now. _That_ is the cost of the trip I just made, now; whatever I paid in the past doesn't determine what I have to pay now for the driving I just did. If I find low priced gas to fill the tank, the trip cost me less. If I have to fill at a higher price, the trip cost me more. What I paid last time (last month, in another town, whatever) doesn't affect what my trip just cost me. That is the cost that matters to me. 

But, as I say: Why not have it both ways by putting in a setting for this calculation:?

