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Start trip recording. Open notifications - swipe down from the top (I don't know what's notification center). 
You should see info TRIP RECORDING. Swipe down on this and there are 2 buttons. There's no way they are not there, only on newer android version if you have more notifications Android is hiding this and you need to swipe down.

We trying to detect this but some devices (in cars) are not returning intent and Fuelio don't know when to disconnect.

Of course you can always finish or pause your trip.

Notification - swipe down on notification - there are 2 buttons there - FINISH and PAUSE.

You can finish trip recording anytime you want using these buttons.

FYI. Option for @rlaggren #2 is planned as an option for future version. Current method for 90% cases is the most accurate one (used in many fleet management spreadsheets, apps). This will be default one but in future you'll have setting for this. 

Option for #2 is planned for future verions.

Also, by the trip cost you mean the new module. I want to connect this. Right now for TripLog you can set fixed value or use avg cost/km.

Cost per mile in Fuel Log

It is calculated using price from previous fillup. 
It's fuel amount * fuel price from previous fillup - because price in the last fillup is price for fuel you'll use in future.

Please check if you have latest version of Play Services. This is not Fuelio's issue, probably you've got problem with other apps using Google sign-in. 
I've got info from 2 users that it was resolved just like this. I think it was some kind of issue on Google's servers and Google Play Services.

Trip Log is showing in notification.
Swipe down this notification to show 2 buttons. If you have more notifications android is hiding buttons "Pause" and "Finish".
Swipe down to finish recording :)

E10 is in Ethanol group. To use petrol+ethanol on one tank go to vehiccle section and select Flex (type)

Tak. Musze to sprawdzic. Tutaj pamietam, ze mielismy dluga dyskusje na ten temat - stad sa dwie wersje. Mysle, ze bedzie to mozna jeszcze zmienic. Chcialbym zmienic wyglad przypomnien wkrotce - tak, aby wlasnie pokazywalo poprzednie odo, koncowe. 

Nie do końca bo nie mam informacji o poprzednim stanie (km). Koszt nie jest powiazany z poprzednim. Ta informacja o poprzednim to tylko opis.

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