Under review

Bugs when editing existing mileage log entry

Andy Richards 11 years ago updated 11 years ago 2
When editing a mileage log entry, you cannot toggle between odo counter and trip meter. It is locked on odo counter.

Also, if you prevously entered the price using 3 decimal places (e.g. $3.429), it will now be rounded to 2, resulting in a slightly different fuel economy when you back out
Under review
Yes. When editing you should change ODO counter value. Not trip counter. I want to change it in future versions.
About what price are you talking about? Total price or fuel price?

I need to change it but in some places there are 2 decimal places by default.
Sorry, I meant fuel price. It works fine when you initially add a new entry (3 decimals is fine), and it calculates it correctly. But when you go back to edit an entry, the fuel price is reloaded with only 2 decimal places. When you exit the edit page, the mileage is recalculated with the 2 decimal place number, even though you didn't change it.