Average Stats Wrong
Hi There,
great app. but Fuel Economy is calculated wrong.
it is not possible that my car doing 86 mpg driving in city.
look on my screen shot:

It's hard to say is it bug. On the screen it looks good (comparing to your min and max fuel economy). I need to take a look at your fill-ups. Fuel consumption was fixed and tested in many ways. It should be good.
Maybe you have checked fill-ups as full even when they were partially?
Please, send me your CSV and tell me what units are you using.
You should have your car's units set before adding any fill-ups.

Probably you have added fill-ups using bad units settings but give us your detailed log. I'll check it.

Here is my csv file :
I will try to rest app. And add this fill ups again.

But please, also tell me. What are your current settings for units (km/m, l/100km, mpg (uk), gallons (uk), litres).
Before entering values to mileage log be sure to set units first.

Settings are: Distance - Miles, Fuel Unit: Litres, Consumption mpg(uk).
Full fill up? What this mean then? on 2012-08-10 when I buy 50l of petrol it was full tank of petrol.
Why you calculating average consumption base on full fill ups?

In my opinion the next fill-up looks strange. Not the one with 50l of petrol. The next one should be partial.
I'm using this algorithm because it's the most accurate.

OK. I've imported your data. I think it's OK but you have probably check "Full fill-up" by mistake (2012-08-10).
You can check other apps with your data. I've got the same results. Probably you need to check that 2012-08-10 is not full fill-up and you need more "full fill-up" values to see charts and mpg.

It's hard to say is it bug. On the screen it looks good (comparing to your min and max fuel economy). I need to take a look at your fill-ups. Fuel consumption was fixed and tested in many ways. It should be good.
Maybe you have checked fill-ups as full even when they were partially?
Please, send me your CSV and tell me what units are you using.
You should have your car's units set before adding any fill-ups.
Customer support service by UserEcho
It's hard to say is it bug. On the screen it looks good (comparing to your min and max fuel economy). I need to take a look at your fill-ups. Fuel consumption was fixed and tested in many ways. It should be good.
Maybe you have checked fill-ups as full even when they were partially?
Please, send me your CSV and tell me what units are you using.
You should have your car's units set before adding any fill-ups.