Under review
Error importing database (file not found)
I formatted my phone today and made a backup to sd card (database, not CSV). After format I copied Fuelio folder to my SD card and app can't import: says file not found. Path is /sdcard/Fuelio/backup-db/fuelio6.db and version is 3.80.
I'm doing anything wrong? Can I convert this file to a CSV format?
I formatted my phone today and made a backup to sd card (database, not CSV). After format I copied Fuelio folder to my SD card and app can't import: says file not found. Path is /sdcard/Fuelio/backup-db/fuelio6.db and version is 3.80.
I'm doing anything wrong? Can I convert this file to a CSV format?
Customer support service by UserEcho
I found a solution: used Root Explorer (it's the app name, phone not rooted) to find Fuelio exports and found in /sdcard/Fuelio but when connecting to my Mac I don't see this folder. "Real" path is /storage/emulated. Phone is a Nexus 5 with Android 5.0.
Anyway, renaming file to fuelio7.db, importing it and reopening the app worked for me.
I hope this details help you to find and fix the problem...
fuelio6.db is old database schema. There is new one in the lastest version. That's why CSV backups are more reliable.
Fuelio is updating database structure while updating app and where there is a new schema.
Anyway, I don't understand this "relialability". If making backups of databases are insecure, don't allow users to make this. We trust on this backups, so has now sense allow to make a dump that can't be restored (even with paid version).
It's easy to convert old database schema to the new one. But renaming file is a bad idea. Send me your file - I can update it to the lastest version or like you said. At the moment you have old schema and for example you can't use foreign currency feature.
I know what I did: I opened Fuelio (3.8.0), went to export database to SD and made a backup to my Mac via USB. And there's two options: the backup didn't work and the fuelio6.db existed becase of a previous one, or the backup didn't work dumping an old database version. As you can expect, I didn't care how Fuelio works internaly, I only know that I made a backup and didn't worked...
I restored renaming to fuelio7.db, imported, exported to CSV, cleaning app data and importing CSV again...
I'm saving .db backups with database version to make sure users won't import other files.
Here mentioning about error importing database its a very useful information to me. Fuelio folder to my SD card and the app can't import says file not found. The path is fuelio6.db and version is 3.80. http://dmwebsolution.com/ Thank you for sharing this information.