Export database -> program crash and close

Krzysztof Wróbel 12 years ago updated by Adrian 12 years ago 3


I have a problem, 20.08.2013 (I don’t remember version) everything worked ok. Unfortunately, after update, program don’t want start (crash and close). I tried reinstalling, etc. without any result.

When I removed database and reinstalled soft, program started ok. But, after export old database, it crash and close again.

I assume that this is problem with my database but I really need this database (many entries).

If there is a chance to send you my database and you will check where is the problem ??

Thanks in advance (I have the PRO version.)

Just send me your .db file.

Now it works, thanks 

Where was the problem?? Did I do something wrong ??? .

You had old database schema. This could be connected to a very old bug from the 1.x version. Or you have imported old backup to newer version of Fuelio.