Ваші коментарі
Thanks! I'm just checking this right now.
I don't understand. Could you show me a screenshot with the problem?
I've checked your file.
You've got errors in it.
Probably you made your (or edited) CSV manually.
At the top of the CSV you've got date format: yyyy-MM-dd
but some of the items are added with format yyyy-M-dd.
If you'll changed them everything will be fine.
Thanks for that. I'll take a look at your file tomorrow.
Tak. Właśnie myślę, jak to zrobić.
Looks good to me ;)
[Polish mode]
Wybrałeś LPG i benzynę. Podczas dodawania tankowania możesz wybrać więc podtypy benzyny lub LPG. 95, 98 - jest na Twoim screenie.
#1 - bak pierwszy
#2 - bak drugi
Nie ustawiono oznacza, że nie chcesz określać podtypów paliwa, ale wybierasz bak - benzyna lub LPG.
Thanks. Could you tell me where, on which screen? Only in notification area?
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